music . imagery . mandala
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Dr Nathan manages a private practise in Music Therapy, Art Therapy, and Clinical Hypnotherapy. Individual consultations are offered as ways to explore and understand the influences that underpin current psychological and physical health issues. The three methods target different neurological pathways, thereby offering unique effects that invite different strategies that can be employed in practical life. All start the journey to healing.
Individual Music Therapy
Music therapy consultations employ the music-centred, depth psychotherapy of Music and Imagery and mandala drawing. The process touches your unconscious and helps you explore the foundations of any life issue and health concern. Through interpretation, understanding, and integration, you will be guided to develop strategies to restore balance to your life and mental wellbeing.
Clinical hypnotherapy is an effective way to explore and change thought patterns and behaviours. It is experienced whilst in a state of deep relaxation, similar to the pleasant state of just awakening from sleep. Hypnotherapy takes you into an altered state of conscious in which you will feel deeply relaxed in mind and body, and experience enhanced awareness through all senses. Your mind becomes more selective as you become aware of internal mental processes rather than the outside world's distractions. During the state of hypnosis, your consciousness is not lost. Direct, repeated verbal suggestion and imagery are used to establish new patterns of unconscious thoughts and emotions. Over time, you will be taught how to use keywords that have been set in the unconscious to continue the process at home.
Music Meditation
Shared Music and Imagery meditation
Music Mediation combines Music and Imagery, sound healing, and art. They are held on a regular basis within a relaxed, social space, and offer a way to connect with others through shared experience. You will be given the opportunity to explore spiritual experiences and other life issues with others in a safe and supported setting. A theme is chosen for each meditation, followed by the music period and mandala. Music meditation for groups follows the same Music and Imagery method used for individual consultations. However, the induction generates a lighter relaxation than for individual clinical work and a different focus is chosen for the group each time.
Each meditation incorporates the rich, natural sound of authentic Tibetan singing bowls to enhance the experience. Each bowl has been individually handcrafted from 7 metals which are used singly and combined to create a rich sound bath. Like humans, each bowl has its unique voice, a fundamental tone that resonates and generates audible overtones. Each bowl has been chosen for its fundamental tone, richness of resonance, and the number of healing overtones heard.
Music and Art therapy in the mandala
The meditations are always followed by a mandala drawing, after which you will be invited to share your experience and any insights relative to your current life that may arise. Following the music period, it is normal for everyone to remain in a relaxed, dreamy, quiet state for a few minutes. This is the best time to draw your mandala as it becomes a continuance of the imagery and assists in the integration process after your experience. Drawing at that time extends the imagery and reinforces memory of your experience. Groups use this time to share their experience.